Retired My Way

After the fast paced rat race life I finally get to the retirement stage of life. So now I'm there, what do I do? I've given it a lot of thought. First I looked at my past to see what I want to continue with because I really enjoyed life so far. I don't want to give up my fun but now with no work responsibilities I got a lot of time. Because there are no set rules to what I must do , I get to define it. There is no rush, I can try new stuff, pursue dreams, be lazy when I want or as busy as my body will allow. I answer to me.

So I created this space to share with friends and family, a way to stay in touch.

Latest Adventures

Living abroad

When planning your life as a retiree you must take a look at your resources, financial and assets. Then you need to make[…]

Apartment life

Living in an apartment has its pros and cons. Most my life I’ve lived in a house with a yard but the past[…]

Seeking a house

So many things that I want to do as a retiree is my crafts and woodworking projects. Spending time in my yard gardening[…]