Living in an apartment has its pros and cons. Most my life I’ve lived in a house with a yard but the past 5 years I’ve done the apartment thing. With a limited workspace its just not practical to do my woodworking, so I’m not very motivated to start new projects.
While living in an apartment I end up going off to see local or near local events trying to keep myself busy with interesting stuff, other then that I find myself watching tv. Watching tv isn’t what it used to be, its gotten mighty boring with very bad story lines mixed with unrealistic computer generated graphics. I find myself getting comfort rewatching old classics and stupid Youtubes that depress me for hours of time wasted.
I try not to let it bother me to much, I’m liking the idea of trying new things. new ideas come and go like the Texas weather, wait a few minutes that bright idea gets washed away by a flash flood of different ideas.
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