When planning your life as a retiree you must take a look at your resources, financial and assets. Then you need to make your plan fit in to a lifestyle you can afford and be comfortable with. With my dreams of my own home and level of comfort I desire to live with , I see my choices are limited, definitely hard to find in this ever changing economy.

I’ve considered buying an inexpensive lot in a rural town that already has utilities available then building my small cottage style home. Or buying a older home that’s a fixer upper. Both ideas are good but I’m getting older and less nimble. The thought of the work I would have to do sounds fun cause I like to build stuff, but can my body keep up? Using the little wisdom I have, I count the cost before a project. There are many parts of a grand project like these that I can no longer do, meaning I would be hiring help. Hired help can really blow my budget.

There’s got to be a better way or at the least another way to consider. So in my search for a better way I sought the option of living in a foreign country where things don’t cost as much, where my dollar will buy more. A place where I can live within my means and have the luxury lifestyle I desire.

When I searched for countries with the cheapest cost of living I found many to choose from. South America is loaded with options I started looking there, easy to travel to and not to hard to come back for family visits. The Caribbean has a lot of options as well. The more I thought about it, the more I was liking the idea.

There is more then one way to live abroad. I learned about slow traveling, a whole other concept to think about. I could live anywhere. As time went by found my option were greater then I had imagined.

Is living in another country for me? I’m not really a man of the world. Would I even like it after I got there? Is this what I want to do? I don’t Know. I am wanting to travel to new places, I’ve never traveled much I don’t know what to expect. Its kinda scary. What would I be leaving behind? What do I have to loose?

I’ve made up my mind, I’m going on a trip to see if its for me to live in another country. Then I will decide if I will live else ware.


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